
06.03.2024 (18:00)
Engage Armenia Forum 2024 - Europe
#EngageArmenia2024 Forum: Revitalize your engagement with Armenia
In Armenia, the challenges are great, the times uncertain. To increase our engagement and get everyone involved, the Engage Armenia Forum 2024 is a call to action aimed at Armenians worldwide to come together, regardless of their expertise or experience, and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Armenia.
The tour is scheduled for March 6-13, 2024, in eight European cities: London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Alfortville, Geneva, Lyon, Marseille

Select your city and reserve a seat:
What the Forum offers:
Engage Armenia 2024 has two key components: panel discussions and networking. The panel discussions provide a platform for speakers to share their personal experiences and insights. Topics will include volunteering, internships, expertise sharing, supporting projects, higher education opportunities, career options and business investments, repatriation and integration in Armenia. This interactive format allows attendees to ask questions and engage with the panelists directly.
Speakers: Vartan Marashlyan (Repat Armenia), Nelly Poliakov (H. Hovnanian Family Foundation), Sevan Kabakian (Birthright Armenia/AVC), Nazareth Seferian (Impact Hub), Sisian Boghossian (RA Tourism Committee), Gevorg Poghosyan (ReArmenia Platform), Hrayr Barsoumian (Optimize Consulting), Larisa Hovannisian (Teach For Armenia), Garik Gevorgyan (Move2Armenia), Shoushan Keshishian (Hub Artsakh), Raffi Kassarjian (Sensyan).
By participating in #EngageArmenia2024, you are taking a significant step towards reshaping your connection with Armenia.
We are looking forward to seeing you in your city!
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]