My Road

Repat Story
Ara Ohanian
Ara Ohanian
Moved from Iran in 2014

How to define homeland? Is it a place where we were born, or a place where our ancestors were born, or maybe a place, where our souls breathe? 

Why is it so important for nations to have and, moreover, to define homeland? Isn’t it just an illusion transformed from generation to generation by creating a specific genetic code in our DNA? 

Who on earth has come up with the idea of having a homeland, the sense of ownership and responsibility combined with a selfish approach towards the emotions one can have stepping on a land? 

These questions lead individuals in their path of life, but do they get their final answers? 

Ara Ohanian is one of those, who has always known that his steps lead to Armenia, the piece of land, where his mind and soul can inhale inspiration and exhale freedom.

His ancestors were from Salmast and Igdir, he was born in Tabriz, Iran, where the presence of Armenian unique traditions can be felt in the air, and his children will be born and raised in the Republic of Armenia, the homeland. 

Ara was 8 years old, when he visited Armenia for the first time. The late 90’s, not the most glorious years, but when you ask Ara about his memories from that period of Armenia, his eyes shine brightly, and a smile appears on his face. 

Was it easy? No! Was it real? Yes! 

Ara’s family didn’t want to stay in a hotel during their first visit. They rented a house in Komitas, where the neighbours became a part of their family. 

‘’You could hardly find any locked door. Neighbours were like one big family, where joy and sorrow walked together, where everybody cared. We had a neighbour, who was a bus driver. Every weekend the neighborhood would get together and drive to Sevan or somewhere else on his bus. Yes, it was hard, but you never felt strange here. Armenia smelled like home from the very beginning’’. 

Back in Iran, Ara studied computer science, then founded Aragil digital marketing agency in Tehran, the first one in the industry. As Ara emphasizes, Armenians are very respected among Iranians for their work ethic, honesty and creativity and that helped him to build his company’s reputation and turn it into a successful business. 

‘’Every company knows Aragil back in Iran. We always start our proposals by telling them that we are an Armenian company.’’

Yet, as the famous quote says ‘’My heart is in the highlands, my heart is not here’’. Ohanian made a decision to move to Armenia three years ago and got married in May of this year. His beautiful wife Teni is also a repatriate. 

‘’You’ll never know what will happen, but I feel safe for my children and their future in Armenia’’.

Talking about starting a business here, Ara brings his own example.

‘’If you want to open your business in Armenia, you should do research. It’s crucial to understand the market, learn about traditions. There is no place in the world, where starting your own business is easy and everyone can succeed. Instead, Armenia in comparison with others, offers the easiest system for registering your business, paying the taxes and etc. Fun fact is, that three years have passed and I still really do enjoy paying my monthly taxes. It is kind of an interesting reminder of me being here, having an impact by employing others and participating in the creation of today’s Armenia and I just love it.’’. 
Since its inception, through its professionalism and hard work Aragil has managed to work with world renowned companies and brands. ''Today they are our proud partners and we are the agency that they trust to provide consultation in Digital Marketing and reach their goals. To say we are humbled is an understatement! We value the trust they have put in us and their success is our greatest virtue''.

Aragil is in touch with world’s major companies and brands and stands beside them as a consultant in Digital Marketing and helps them fly higher over the virtual world and find the best nest in this field. 

Currently Ohanian works on expanding Aragil in Armenia and is in search of young, enthusiastic professionals, who have the vision of a strong, smart and innovational Armenia and can take it further. 
Posted by Rima Yeghiazarian

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