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A Well-Thought-Out Decision: Ara’s Move from Germany to Armenia
A Well-Thought-Out Decision: Ara’s Move from Germany to Armenia
Here is the inspiring story of Ara Yeramian, who made the life-altering decision to move from Germany to Armenia after spending 15 years in the heart of Europe. This narrative not only explores the rationale behind his decision but also uncovers the deep sentimental motivations that guided him. Ara's journey serves as a guiding light for those contemplating a similar transition, shedding light on the intricacies of the decision-making process.

The Complexity of Decision-Making

Ara’s unique perspective on life and his extensive travels have led him to a profound realization - there is no one-size-fits-all "best" country in the world. Instead, there exists a "best" country for each individual, depending on their current life stage and personal goals. The pivotal question then becomes: What truly matters at this particular juncture in one's life, and how can those aspirations be achieved?
In the pursuit of our aspirations, we often find ourselves confronted with the concept of compromise. Ara highlights the importance of understanding that to gain something significant, one may have to relinquish something else, either in the present or down the line. This principle serves as a cornerstone of the decision-making process, and as Ara unfolds his narrative, its significance becomes increasingly evident.

Defining Quality of Life

Each individual's concept of a fulfilling life differs, and this perception ultimately shapes their definition of happiness. What might be paramount for one person may not hold the same weight for another. Ara emphasizes that within this context, there is no universal "right" or "wrong"; instead, these distinctions remain inherently subjective. Thus, the process of decision-making should be grounded in personal values and priorities.
Sometimes, finding out what you want in life can be an arduous task. When direct answers prove elusive, Ara suggests an alternative approach - negating the opposite. “After specifying what you want–or what you don’t want– it all comes down to three main points: willing to make compromises to get what you genuinely want at a specific stage of your life; being convinced of the decisions you make, in your mind and heart, even if partially; and deciding if it’s financially feasible,” Ara explains.
According to him, by identifying what you don't want, you can inadvertently uncover your true desires. This perspective can be a valuable tool in the decision-making toolkit, particularly when contemplating a voluntary relocation, as opposed to a decision forced by external circumstances.

Germany vs. Armenia:

Ara's journey began with his academic pursuits, taking him from Syria to Germany, where he spent 15 years establishing a fulfilling life. However, he began to notice the advantages and disadvantages of living in Germany, particularly the sense of predictability and monotony that permeated his daily existence. The well-organized and efficient nature of German life came at a price–a sense of transparency and a loss of personal connection. 
“It is this collective attitude that creates a monotonic sense where many things become predictable. Eventually, with long-term monotony and predictability, there is a high chance that one loses his sense of belonging and, with it, their sense of purpose. That is a risk taken by everyone moving to Germany,” he explains. 
In contrast, Armenia offered Ara a daily life filled with unpredictability, an inherent sense of presence, and a deep connection to his surroundings. He found beauty in the imperfections and chaos of Yerevan's streets, and this sense of belonging and purpose became a driving force in his decision-making process. Armenia's unique qualities brought Ara a sense of fulfillment that transcended the monetary aspects of life.
The comparison between Germany's renowned healthcare system and Armenia's medical landscape is an essential factor in Ara's decision. While Germany boasts one of the world's top healthcare systems, Ara highlights the fine print, such as long waiting lists for general practitioners and specialized sectors. He emphasizes the challenges faced by healthcare professionals, including staff shortages and long working hours.
In Armenia, Ara found a contrasting approach, with general medicine and doctor-patient relationships surpassing his German experience. While specialized medicine sometimes necessitates seeking treatment abroad, Armenia's healthcare sector has made significant strides in fields like dentistry, ophthalmology, cardiology, radiology, and cosmetic surgery. The accessibility of healthcare professionals, even during weekends and after hours, was a notable advantage for Ara.

The Realization 

A poignant moment in Ara's journey was the realization that he was beginning to forget the Armenian alphabet while living in Germany. “ I was fully aware of the problems Armenian communities in the diaspora were suffering from regarding the language. But the fact that it was happening to me, the fact that I started forgetting parts of the alphabet, was truly horrifying,” he says. This served as a reminder of the challenges faced by diaspora communities in preserving their language and culture. Ara took proactive steps to reconnect with his Armenian heritage, installing Armenian keyboard layouts on his devices and investing time in relearning the alphabet. This personal triumph reaffirmed his commitment to his roots.
In 2019, Ara sensed that the time had come to consider relocating to Armenia. His visit in early 2020 coincided with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and a national lockdown in both Germany and Armenia. This unexpected turn of events catalyzed Ara's decision-making process, prompting him to evaluate the feasibility of a move. After meticulous planning and consideration, Ara made the life-changing decision to relocate to Armenia, even as the 2020 Artsakh war unfolded.
Ara paid close attention to the financial considerations that are integral to the decision-making process. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one's social life, family, and future plans, as these factors can significantly impact the feasibility of relocation. The balance between income and expenses, long-term and short-term stability, and the presence of contingency plans are vital elements to consider. Ara underscores that these factors are deeply interconnected and must align with one's personal circumstances.
“As long as one can afford to live in Armenia, I encourage diasporans and foreigners to live in Armenia for a year–to go through all four seasons here–and see how things work out. Things didn’t go as planned? That’s fine; at least you won’t be wondering, ‘what if?’”

Long-Term Stability vs. Short-Term Stability

Ara acknowledges the importance of stability in decision-making, both in Armenia and abroad. He encourages diaspora Armenians to build a safety net in their country of residence before considering a move to Armenia. Ara's perspective underscores the necessity of securing oneself to contribute effectively to one's community and surroundings. He also hints at the potential risks and insecurities that exist even in countries known for stability, such as Germany.
Despite the challenges and uncertainties that accompanied his decision, Ara expresses contentment and a sense of purpose in his daily life. He emphasizes the importance of having a job that supports life in Armenia and hints at his commitment to staying in the country. “With all the ups and downs, the challenges–and I love a good challenge–I wake up every morning and look through the window and think, ‘There is work to be done; let’s see what this day brings.’ And as long as I have a job that enables me to afford living in Armenia, I will,” he says. 
Ara Yeramian's journey from Germany to Armenia is a testament to the power of personal conviction and the intricate decision-making process that accompanies such a significant life change. His story serves as an inspiration for those contemplating a similar path and highlights the importance of balancing rational and sentimental motivations. 

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