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Serouj Baghdassarian - Digital Nomad from Lebanon
Serouj Baghdassarian - Digital Nomad from Lebanon
We continue to talk with digital nomads and find out why they choose Armenia for living. This time we would talk with Serouj Baghdassarian from Lebanon who works as website designer and a music producer remotely. 
When did you move to Armenia and why at this moment?
I moved to Armenia with my wife in September 2020. We were planning to move since 2018, but the economic crisis in Lebanon did not help. However, a month after the Beirut blast, we decided it was time to move.
Why Armenia instead of another country?
I believe every Armenian should try to experience living in Armenia, even if for a short period. Other factors also help, such as having an Armenian passport, speaking and writing the language, being close to our families in Lebanon.
What is your work schedule?
Honestly, I do not have a strict work schedule but I usually communicate with my clients during the day, work on urgent tasks, and leave the work that needs concentration to night time so I can focus more since I get less distracted.
What are the advantages to be a digital nomad in Armenia?
For me, the major advantage of being a digital nomad in Armenia is the high-speed and yet cheap internet access which is the backbone of my career. Yerevan is also full of talents in the digital world, which helps you communicate and create a network.
Did you consider working remotely from another country?
Although I would like to experience working remotely from other countries as well, I have not yet considered it.
Did it reach your expectations to work from Armenia? Why?
In many cases, it did. Yerevan, being a small city, is very accessible most of the time and as I mentioned, the high-speed internet is an essential for me. Obviously, as in any country, there would be some incidents, but nothing really worthy!
According to your experience, what should be improved to make Armenia a better destination for remote work?
Customer service in general can be improved, although it has made a good improvement in the past few years. Being honest, the apartment rental prices should be reduced so they will become a little more affordable to digital nomads.
What would you say to attract other digital nomads in Armenia?
Yerevan is blooming and becoming more and more a digital hub in the region, therefore you can easily find co-working places and coffee shops to enjoy and work remotely from various locations. Good food, Safe city, good people. Worth a try!
Where do you work and what is your position?
I am a freelance website designer and a music producer. Most of the time, I work from home but I also enjoy going out and working from coffeeshops once or twice a week.
Anything else you would like to add?
Only one wish: Peace for Armenia!

Check Serouj's website:

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