
My Way Home

FIVE Years discovering the Armenian Highland!
FIVE Years discovering the Armenian Highland!
Five years ago this very same day George Tabakian, one of the co-founders of the Repat Armenia Foundation, repatriated to Armenia. Repat Armenia’s team congratulates George on the 5th anniversary of this live-changing decision.  Today on his Facebook page George shared a very touching post about his life during these five years.
April 2011 –April 2016
Five years have passed since we moved to this holy land and I’m still discovering Armenia: people culture and geography
A lot has happened since then to name few :
… Took part in establishing a great organization promoting Repatriation! Repat Armenia
… Started a great NGO with awesome people operating on the first lines of defense of Tavush Region! Սահման ՀԿ Sahman NGO
… Sold a successful business, closed a screwed up one and start a new one which is becoming my sweetest business !
…Was blessed with a great daughter who makes my day every time she calls my name.
… Met great people from Yerevan and the most remote places of Armenia, made great friends and lost close ones…..
… Dealt with the worst people of the society and shared table with the most honorable – the soldiers guarding the borders!
… and finally Understood what it feels like to be an Armenian in Diaspora and a citizen in Armenia
Looking forward, there is a lot to do and a lot to accomplish within the time that I have on this planet. I look forward to every coming moment.
And as I look back, these 5 years remain the best time of my life – a time for accomplishments and self-discovery while enjoying the Armenian Dream! …..and when people ask me if I have regrets…I say YES I surely do….. I regret for not taking the step earlier…..
A very good morning from the Armenian Highland!

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