Services and Programs

Armenia Works 4U Program
Armenia Works 4U Program
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The Repat Armenia Foundation successfully implemented a pilot program “Armenia Works 4U” at the end of 2021 for the professional repatriation of Lebanese Armenians. 80% of those repatriated under this program are already continuing their careers in Armenia. Given the growing interest in repatriation and its exceptional importance for strengthening the Motherland, we expanded this program for Armenians living in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in spring 2022.
We selected 34 participants and provided a special support package for the repatriation. This program was designed for those who are looking for a job, as well as for those who were already working and had the opportunity to work remotely from Armenia. 
Program conditions:
- Be an Armenian/Armenian from the Diaspora, at the time of application submission, its consideration, as well as prior to notification of selection for the program, permanently reside in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus for the last 5 years.
- Willingness to move to Armenia within a month from the date of acceptance as a participant in the program.
- Fluency in Armenian or English.
- Be a professional in the following sectors: marketing and sales, IT and graphic design, HR and project management, tourism and management, professional agriculture, banking and finance, education and healthcare.
Support package:
- Compensation for the cost of an air ticket to Armenia (up to 145,000 AMD).
- Meeting at the airport Zvartnots.
- Subsidizing rental housing (1-3 months, AMD 100,000 per month) or accommodation in a co-working space (ImpactHub, the Loft Coworking, COWO Armenia, etc.) for freelancers (1-3 months).
- Intensive support in organizing interviews with potential employers and employment (together with 8 18 HR Consulting).
- Integration in the community of repatriates and active networking in your professional field.
- Armenian language course.
- Support in the passage of the main state integration processes (legal status, education, health care, transportation of personal property, etc.).
- Personal support from the Repat Armenia team during the entire program period.
Requirements for the participants:
- Moving to Armenia within a month after notification of acceptance as a participant in the program.
- Proactive in job search and constant communication with our employees.
- Regular updates on job search progress.
- Successful completion of the Armenian language course (if necessary).
- Compliance with rules and restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Respect for the constitution and laws of the Republic of Armenia.

As a result of this program, from 34 participants: 

- 19 pepole were employed for full time positions

- 11 people started/continued working as freelancers 

- 4 people started their businesses/NGOs 

You can learn the success stories of the program participants under the hashtag #ArmeniaWorks4U on our Social Media pages.
Currently this program is not available. Stay tuned for the updates.